

We started our family homeschooling journey in 2016. As we launched right into it with passion the first desire was for me personally to get the ball rolling by getting connected to a local co-op and curriculum style. Now the journey of homeschooling is very intimidating, because of our culture and the way the mindset of majority of people view the process of homeschooling. The intimidation of homeschooling can also be identified in the lack of ability that one may feel to teach their own children, but I believe that homeschooling can be identified as a call to lead and teach your children in more than one way. I think the concept of homeschooling is promoted to be one of the hardest acts of connecting to your children but in reality parents in most cases are greatly qualified to teach their children.

Our personal journey has caused our sons to expand and blossom in great ways while also stretching us as parents as well. I remember breaking down in tears after realizing that my mind would be stretched in my experience of teaching my children as well. After not completing certain areas of schooling personally, it was easy to feel disqualified but I love the fact that I can report that being able to learn while my children are learning makes me smile.

Though our journey is long and may have some bumps in the road ahead of us because of life. Us and the children are learning to enjoy each moment. Some days are easy and some are hard but the feeling of great satisfaction and the blessing of being apart of teaching our boys makes me smile. Here are a few tips to encourage you on your current journey or on your future journey of homeschooling.

💕Know that anything that you don’t put your hand to do will always appear unattainable in life. Such is true with homeschooling you just have to get in there and try it. Of course with a plan in place. But you can do it!

💕Homeschool in your own way. Though there are blueprints that clearly work across the board please do it the way that works best for you!

💕Be sure to take a moment or moments for you to refuel. The reality is that homeschool can be draining but when you take moments to refuel and do what you love you can always get back on track.

If you have any questions about our homeschooling journey or are in need of tips please feel free to shoot me a message
Enjoy your journey!